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Will COVID-19 Lead to More Divorces?


In mid-March, President Donald Trump determined that the coronavirus (COVID-19) was a public health emergency. Shortly after that, states across the nation issued strict stay-at-home orders aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19.

These orders encouraged everyone, with the exception of “essential workers” heading to and from work, to stay home and to limit travel to buying gasoline, groceries, picking up prescriptions, and seeing the doctor. All other “non-essential” travel was heavily discouraged. As stay at home orders were quickly issued, gyms, health clubs, movie theatres, most retail businesses, and regular businesses were asked to close their doors. Virtually everyone was urged to STAY HOME.

At first, the idea of a forced vacation may have sounded wonderful to some people, but to a lot of married couples, it was the exact opposite. While some contemplate a baby boom after the end of the quarantines across the nation, many relationship experts and divorce lawyers are expecting to see a surge in divorce filings. Here’s why.

Reason #1: Domestic Violence

When women and children are in an abusive relationship and they’re forced to stay-at-home with their abusers 24 hours a day, they have no escape. Since COVID-19, domestic violence calls have skyrocketed across the globe. As abused women have to spend every waking minute with their abusers, many are expected to run to divorce court as soon quarantines are lifted.

Reason #2: Couples Already on Shaky Ground

Lots of spouses will openly admit that they tolerate their husband or wife, but they don’t want to spend all day with them or they might file for divorce. For all those couples whose marriages are already hanging by a thread, spending 24/7 together is going to make some file for divorce sooner than later as they ask themselves, “Why on Earth am I married to this person if I don’t even like them?”

Reason #3: Too Much Time Together Means Poor Outcome

Lots of couples are content with their marriages as long as they live their own separate lives, but as soon as they have to spend all day together, they begin to wonder what they have in common with this person. They realize they can’t stand each other and start fantasizing about filing for divorce as soon as the stay-at-home orders are lifted.

Has COVID-19 made you seriously consider divorce? To learn about our no-fault divorces for just $299, contact Cairns Law Offices today.

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