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Social media has changed the world we live in, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. Social media has connected old friends and allowed long-distance relatives to stay in touch and in each other’s lives. But social media has also led to countless extra-marital affairs, divorces, and fault-based divorces nationwide.

Can social media posts impact your divorce? Without knowing your relationship, we can’t say for sure but we can say that it definitely has the potential to cause problems. You see, even an amicable, no-fault divorce can turn ugly when one of the spouse’s posts pictures of them dating someone new, spending money, or partying.

We must remember that divorce is a very sensitive time, even for couples who strongly feel that it’s for the best. Even if a spouse is thrilled to move on with their life, it doesn’t mean they no longer have feelings for their soon-to-be ex.

Often, couples had some good times and when they see their spouse with their arms wrapped around a date or a new partner, it breaks their heart, quickly turning feelings of sadness into jealousy, anger and spite.

What is Your Situation?

Should you take a social media break during your divorce? It depends on your personal situation. Are you on social media every day? Is your spouse on social media? Are your mutual friends and family members on social media?

If a post on Facebook or Instagram is likely to be seen or at least shown to your spouse, it might be smart to stay off social media during your divorce, or at least don’t like, comment or post anything until the divorce is final.

In our experience, it’s best to err on the side of caution and this means to take social media fast during your divorce. If this sounds too difficult, then don’t post anything that you wouldn’t want your spouse or their attorney to see. That’s a good rule of thumb.

What NOT to post on social media during a divorce:

  • Pics of you partying.
  • Pics of you drinking alcohol.
  • Pics of an expensive purchase like a new car or a lavish vacation.
  • Pics of you with what could be construed as “dates” or romantic partners.
  • Rants about your spouse or divorce.

Social media can be loads of fun and a great way to distract you from your divorce, but don’t forget to post responsibly. You don’t want to say or do anything that can anger or upset your spouse to the point where a cheap, uncontested divorce turns into a full-blown divorce battle. We say this because it happens all the time to spouses amid divorce, and it’s entirely preventable.

Related: Divorcing? Don’t Make These Social Media Mistakes!

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