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Secrets to Achieving a Good Divorce


If you recently decided to get a divorce, you’ve made a huge decision and it’s not to be taken lightly. Now, you have to decide what type of divorce you want to have. Do you want to file a fault-based divorce, which will be stressful and consume a lot of your mental energy? Or, do you want to have an amicable, no-fault divorce? One that is friendly and involves mutual respect. One that costs less and takes less time.

A no-fault divorce can also be called a “good divorce” because it involves treating your spouse with respect, and working towards a fair resolution. In contrast to that, there are the “bad divorces.” We’ve all seen those.

The ones where they drag out in court for years and drain the marital estate. The ones where the couple can’t stand being in the same room together and sometimes someone’s car gets keyed or someone’s clothes are burned on the front lawn – no one wants that divorce. Those divorces leave awful battle scars.

No matter how you feel about your spouse, the important thing to remember is that you do have a choice. You can pursue a peaceful, amicable, no-fault divorce that can save you a fortune in the process if you opt for our $299 divorce.

So, let’s discuss the secrets of achieving a good divorce.

1. Keep the peace. Going into your divorce, it’s wise to decide on having a positive post-divorce relationship, especially if you have kids together. If you truly want to stay on good terms, commit to staying on that path. If you can bet your spouse on board, you’re on your way to achieving a cooperative divorce, which is much better than the alternative.

2. Focus on the long-term. If you have children, this one is critical. When you have a good divorce, it can dramatically impact the effects of your divorce, laying the foundation for a happier, less stressful future. Not to mention, encouraging the well-being of your children now and for years to come. After your divorce, you and your spouse may remain friends for the sake of the kids and grandkids, or you may go your separate ways. Either way, a good divorce helps you get closure.

3. Think about your financial health. It’s important to fully understand your finances and develop a post-divorce budget. Think, “Where do I want to be in year, five years, and ten years?” What will it take for you to get there? Before you sign the marital settlement agreement, make sure you understand what’s marital property, what’s separate property, and what you’re entitled to under the law.

4. No more blaming. Your spouse could have cheated on you. They could have had an addiction problem, or they could have chosen their work or even their family over you. Regardless of the reasons behind your divorce, it’s important to move beyond the blame so you can achieve a good divorce and focus on your own happiness.

Related: Two Biggest Fears of Divorce

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