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Pennsylvannia's Original eDivorce℠ Lawyer

Once you’ve decided to divorce, your emotions can range from good days to very bad ones. It can be difficult to know how you feel about the situation from one day to the next. In Pennsylvania, couples who file for no-fault divorces must complete a one-year separation from their spouse before their divorce can be finalized. It’s normal to have doubts, and part of this mandated cooling-off period is for those who are apprehensive or regretful about their decision. If you have children and assets, like a home and retirement accounts, it can be difficult to choose to end your marriage. The idea of starting over after even five or ten years can be difficult. A good place to start is by creating a settlement agreement on your own.

Creating Your Settlement Agreement

You and your spouse can both create your own rough draft settlement agreement to see how close or far apart you are on the divorce settlement terms. Your divorce settlement agreement is not final in the sense that you can never change it. If you and your spouse agree on terms, then it is the final terms of the dissolution of your marriage. Life is constantly changing. It’s important to realize that if you have children, the parenting plan that works now may not work five years from now. The court understands your life will change as your children get older, so families have options to make the terms of their divorce continue to work for them as long as their children are minors. If you don’t have children, you could have spousal support payments that need to end because you’re planning to remarry. There are many reasons ex-spouses need to file for modifications to their settlement agreement.

When a couple creates a settlement agreement, it typically includes issues such as:

  • Property & Debt Division
  • Child Custody
  • Visitation
  • Marital Home
  • Spousal Support
  • Investments & Business Ownership

Settlement agreements are important because they allow couples to put together the terms by which they plan to leave the marriage. When couples can reach an agreement together, they can also avoid court.

Post-judgment Modifications

When you set the terms of your settlement agreement, you and your spouse are agreeing to the terms that will govern your child custody arrangements, support payments, and visitation. At any point after your divorce, either spouse can file for a post-judgment modification. There are qualifications for such a modification, such as loss of employment or some other significant life change.

Cairns Law Group

Even if you want a no-fault uncontested divorce, some issues can complicate the process. Whether it’s high-value assets or child custody matters, your divorce agreement is the place to resolve these issues. At Cairns Law Group, our attorneys can work to help you complete the appropriate documents and ensure they are filed with the court of jurisdiction in your case. Divorce is not always straightforward, so complications can arise that require legal representation and advisement. We realize that life is filled with ups and downs, and sometimes you need the help of legal professionals to navigate the court system. Call us today at (888) 863-9115 to schedule a consultation to discuss your case or reach out to our team online.

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