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Pennsylvannia's Original eDivorce℠ Lawyer

We’ve all met or known couples who’ve lamented about the cost of getting a divorce. A marriage license is very affordable, yet many couples lament how much it costs once they decide to divorce. It can feel like a divorce is priced out of your reach. There’s a misconception that the expenses causing unaffordable divorces are due to lawyer fees, but that’s not typically the case. Divorce lawyers charge fees in a few ways, but the most common is through hourly rates, flat fees for a service, or a combination of the two. So, the costs of divorce are often found elsewhere, but that’s not to say that you can’t rack up legal fees if your divorce drags out over many months or years.

Most Common Causes of a High-Cost Divorce

Wasting Time: In the legal world, where many lawyers charge by the hour, wasting time is the same as wasting money. If you don’t really need legal assistance and you’re just calling because you want to talk to someone or you’re frustrated by the process, your lawyer isn’t the one to call. When you call, the lawyer must bill you for the time used answering your call and speaking to you.

Trying to Exact Vengeance: Divorce can bring out the worst in almost anyone. It can be a stressful and emotional process. If you are angry at choices your estranged spouses have made, getting revenge when you should be negotiating and finalizing your agreement is a temptation you should try to avoid if you want to speed up the process and spend less money.

Not Hiring a Lawyer: If you’re getting divorced, you want to ensure it’s done right. Saving money is a great goal, but you can’t cut corners by trying to handle your divorce without any knowledge of what it takes to get divorced in a timely and economical manner. You could end up spending money unintentionally because the required paperwork was filed incorrectly or deadlines were missed.

Not Managing Costs: Divorce can bring with it additional expenses you weren’t expecting. Establishing separate households can be an expensive process. If you don’t plan for the move and set a budget, you can end up spending more than you intend.

We Will Work With You To Manage The Cost Of Your Divorcee

At Cairns Law Group, our attorneys can work to help ensure all your paperwork is filled out correctly and filed for your divorce. We realize that divorce is not always straightforward, but when you work with a seasoned divorce attorney, you can afford many of the complications that can make the process more expensive. Our team can help you with the ups and downs that often accompany divorce. When you can’t handle processing the divorce without help, our legal professionals can help you navigate the court system. You can complete your entire divorce using our online portal, or you can meet with our attorneys for a consultation to review the details of your case and review the costs of an uncontested, no-fault divorce. If you think a no-fault, uncontested divorce is right for you, there are still some issues that can complicate the process. You and your spouse have to agree to an uncontested no-fault divorce. Call us today at (888) 863-9115 to schedule a consultation to discuss your case or reach out to our team online.

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